I thought that if I added a whole lot of fabrics to those I posted the other day and then tried not to repeat a fabric it would be more interesting and scrappy. But instead of it looking scrappy, it just looked like a mess. So I tossed aside 16 blocks and stuck with just the main fabrics and a few others. What I ended up with is a bright, fun quilt that any Gramma would be happy to snuggle her grandbaby in! You can see in the close-up the border fabric and cornerstones are in a bright green with black dots...........
.........but what I really want you to see is the backing fabric. I had been told that the baby's room has a lot of lime green in it, and that the finials on the curtain rods are monkeys. I found this Robert Kaufman print called "Animals Gone Wild!" and it just begged to be taken home. Now, how could I resist such completely perfect fabric?
So the good news is I have a really darling quilt for baby, and the other good news is I have 16 leftover blocks -- enough for another whole quilt!! (We'll see......)
[By the way.....After I looked at this entry I decided the quilt doesn't look all that great unless you open the photo so you can see the great fabrics in it. Now, you don't want to be disappointed. Go ahead, look closer.......]