I guess I was so busy I managed to let an entire month go by without blogging. Or maybe it's that whole February hibernating thing I have going on. Oh, let's just go with the "Busy" thing. Here's what I've been up to.
My February finish!! A baby quilt for a little girl being born any day now.
I worked from my stash for this one after I found this cute pink print in my novelty fabrics.
Then I made 26 of these scrappy pineapple blocks for a block swap with some online friends......
......and 5 of these blocks for another swap.
I found some scrappy blue strips in my sewing room so I started putting them together for a quilt for our great-nephew due in May.
After that, I started on a Star Wars quilt at the request of our grandson, Aidan. There isn't any Star Wars fabric currently available, but I found some Darth Vader fabric on eBay for the backing and borders and also this panel by Lucas Films Ltd.
I cut up the panel......
......then made some filler blocks (still trying to use up that stash!)
All I have to do is finish filling it in with black and it will be ready to quilt.
And, needless to say, I will have one happy Jedi grandson!
So far for the year 2011, I am right on track with making my goals. I know, we're only 32 days in, but facts are facts!
I started this quilt around the 11th at a retreat and I wrote about it in this post. Since it was my January goal, I spent most of yesterday morning quilting it.
I used a large stipple over the entire quilt because, first of all I wanted to finish in January, and secondly I wanted the quilting design to be simple so it wouldn't take away from the beautiful pattern.