I wasn't holding my breath on this one. The April A Lovely Year of Finishes goal I set for myself turned out to be SO much more work than I had anticipated. It seems like all I did was quilt for the last 3 weeks! My machine made me proud of her while I burned the midnight oil, so to speak.
I remembered to clean and oil my machine and change to a new needle after every three bobbins of sewing. I think that made the quilting much easier and the results more pleasing. There were a lot of thread color changes which made for an incredible number of threads to bury, but I think it was worth it. I'm happy with the results. Can you tell? My Quilted Village is done. I'm calling it "Synesthesia."
Here are a few close-ups of the quilting.
I'm going to take more photos tomorrow when, hopefully, it isn't quite so sunny. (I shouldn't be complaining about that since we've had so much rain this month!)
I am linking up with Fiber of All Sorts for their Finishes Party.
The Pot of Gold
3 days ago