Not a lot of sewing has been going on around here lately. But a whole lot of life has been happening! Everything from taking the grands to Seattle for a week..... vacationing in Destin with our son and his family and some of the boys' friends..... having knee surgery.
And the other night we made s'mores in the courtyard here at home.
Aidan really enjoyed them. I think everyone did.
Gavin is at the stage where he doesn't want any photos taken. He humored me.
I did get an actual quilting project started this month for the 2013 NewFo Challenge.
These three blocks are for a baby quilt and the fabric might be for the border. I have all the blocks finished and the sashing is cut, but that's as far as it is right now. Baby quilts usually get completed around here, though, because there's a definite deadline on those. That means there will probably be photos of a finished quilt soon!
I'm linking up to Barbara's Linky Party. You might want to take at look at what others are working on.
I did actually start a new project in July, I just couldn't get the blog written within the seven day window in order to participate in that month's 2013 NewFo Challenge. I do want to tell you about it though, so I'm including it here with the August project. The July Project -- When my sister-in-law, Debbie, passed away in 1999 she left behind this embroidered quilt top. I saved it all these years so I could do something with it for her children.
I cut the center out of it and used some of the border stitching to make this quilt for Debbie's daughter, Ashley, in 2010 and blogged about it in this post.
I have 18 blocks left over to make a quilt for Debbie's son, Jason.
My friend Shirley, who is a genius with her EQ designing program, came up with several designs for alternate blocks for me and I chose this one.
Then she designed the alternate blocks for me complete with measurements.
So basically, the work for my July project was done by someone else! LOL That's okay. I'll do the cutting, sewing, and quilting! The August Project -- My nephew Josh asked me to make a wall-hanging based on the character Link from The Legend of Zelda computer game. I found some pics online of the items in the game....
....and then sketched them out on graph paper.
No, I do not know what all the items are. I had to ask Josh! I'm going to make a block for each figure and then use them in a border around a pieced center of Link. Getting the sketches done and buying some of the fabrics is as far as I got.
But it's a start. Another start. I need a few finishes!! I was going to link up with Barbara's Linky Party, but it looks like the deadline was early this month. I'll be a little more on the ball next month. (I hope....)