The mostly pink Tile Tango quilt I started as a NewFo in April is finished! This is my first finish since July so I'm pretty excited. I used to get about 15 to 20 quilts made every year until I moved to Alabama to be near my grandchildren. Now for some strange reason I don't have nearly as much time to sew as I did before! (It's a good trade off though -- I LOVE being here!!)
I used Bubble Gum pink Rainbow thread by Superior Threads and quilted it on my Bernina.
It was fun cramming a 75" x 108" quilt through a domestic machine.
That's why I decided that instead of stippling I would just stitch along the seam lines with my machine's serpentine stitch. I really like the way it looks.
After I quilted it I cleaned and oiled my machine and changed the needle which is really important to do between projects. I use a Q-tip to clean out the dust because canned air actually forces the dust into the machine, and blowing into it to get the dust out puts the moisture from your breath into the machine - neither of which is a good thing! Can you tell it needed a little cleaning?
Since the pink fabric is called "Cotton Candy" and the thread is called "Bubble Gum" I had some fun quilt names running through my head, but Hubby suggested "Pretty in Pink" and I think that's the perfect name for it.
So tonight I will sleep under it (something I always do before giving away a quilt) and tomorrow I will wash it and get it ready to mail. I can hardly wait for Aemarys to get her new quilt. She has loved her baby quilt so long. She's ready for a big girl quilt!
The Pot of Gold
3 days ago