Sunday, September 1, 2019

My First One Block Wonder

I bought this fabric almost 10 years ago thinking I would make a One Block Wonder (OBW), but I didn't buy enough so it has been patiently waiting in my stash for me to do something with it.  

A friend of mine was teaching the OBW in an online quilt group I help moderate so I decided to see what I could do with it.  I didn't have enough repeats of the fabric to make a very big quilt so I set out to do what I could.  I liked the way the blocks were looking.  With only 33 blocks I was still only going to have enough for a wall-hanging, though, and I wasn't sure I wanted that to happen.

Since you need six repeats to cut out enough triangles for hexagons, and I only had three repeats left,  I decided to play.  I made half-hexagons with some of the triangles and put them together .....

..... and I just cut out whatever triangles I could using the leftover scraps.  I mixed those up into half-hexies.

It was fun to really play and see what kind of layout I could come up with.  It went from this .....

..... to this .....

..... and once I got the borders on it looked like this.

It's still not very big but definitely big enough for a fun baby quilt.   A trip to my LQS ended with the perfect backing fabric.

I'm going to go a little outside the box on this one and do some big stitch quilting with Perle Cotton.   It's all basted and ready to go.  I'll keep you posted!