Last year at Retreat, poor Eve (I love her to pieces, too!) fought her camera the entire week. The battery compartment was kept shut through the very classy use of duct tape, and a quite lovely rubberband kept the whole thing from completely falling apart. All 40+ retreaters signed a petition which we mailed to her hubby requesting a new camera, and I just had to take her picture with it. Ahhhhhh, sweet victory!
And this is my adorable roommate, Faye. We met online about seven years ago and keep in touch that way. Chat, emails, message boards. We have so much in common we sometimes wonder if we are really twins-separated-at-birth! (Alright, alright -- I love you, too, Faye!)

Faye loves animal prints so when I saw the Jean Ann Wright kit for this quilt I had to make it for her. I love the pink and green zebra prints! I call it "Faye's Safari." My friend Angela (QuiltedJoy.com) quilted it for me and did a beautiful job, as always!!

Faye loves animal prints so when I saw the Jean Ann Wright kit for this quilt I had to make it for her. I love the pink and green zebra prints! I call it "Faye's Safari." My friend Angela (QuiltedJoy.com) quilted it for me and did a beautiful job, as always!!