Last year when I started thinking about a quilt for my new daughter-in-law (And I am only telling you she's my "new" DIL because I don't want anyone to think I waited over 10 years to make her a quilt. That would be a shameful confession from a quilter!!) I asked Adam what her favorite colors are, and he said, "Black and White." Only Black and White?? "Yes." Hmmmmmm. I noticed that a lot of the tops she wears (with her Black and White skirts and her Black or White slacks) are coral or turquoise, so I decided to use those two colors for just a little splash of an accent color.
I thought the perfect quilt would be one from "Thinking Outside the Block" by Sandi Cummings. I had made a baby quilt from this book in 2005 and it was one of my favorites.
I wanted this quilt to be ready for Christmas so I sent it to my friend Angela at Quilted She does beautiful work, and she came through for me with a great quilting design and in plenty of time! She did interlocking ovals all over it and a very cool design in the borders to pick up on what she saw as pick-up sticks in the connector blocks within the quilt. Very cool.

Here's the completed quilt.
One really neat thing that I did on this quilt (because I love to include "back art" on my quilts) was to make the back one giant transition block using the coral and turquoise batiks from the front. I was pleased with how it turned out!
Since I mentioned the other quilt I made from Sandi Cummings' book, I might as well show it off now! I made this quilt per special request for a very special baby who was arriving in 2005. A friend of my husband's was to become a Grampa so how could I resist?
My friend Barb was teaching from this book at our Guild Retreat in 2005 so it was perfect timing, and I had plenty of fun brights in my stash. I used a great stripe for the border and backing (always a good idea!) and it ended up being one of my very favorite quilts ever.

I got a little off track here, but Christmas 2009 is still.......
......To Be Continued!