Some in stacking drawers .....
..... some in plastic bins .....
..... more in plastic shoeboxes .....
..... and even more in plastic, bulk sized Biscotti containers. (I know!)
When I pulled all this together into one place I wondered if I really knew what I might be getting into. What I was getting into was a tangled mess!
I pulled out all the reds and began pressing .....

..... stacking .....

..... and cutting into useable sized pieces.
Piles of odds and ends .....

..... soon became strips .....

..... and more strips .....
..... and a lot of squares to make much better use of those storage drawers and bins! Well, at least they look better.
Small, neatly cut and pressed pieces went into ziploc bags to either use or share. (Ummmm, want some?)

The local thrift store soon became the happy recipient of storage containers for some other quilty scrapaholic!
I'm seeing progress, aren't you? What do they say about how you can eat an elephant? Oh, yeah - One bite at a time. lol
Hmmmm, what to bite off next?
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